
Help Promoting a Better Byron create a blog that all can enjoy! We need your pictures of events you have attended, or fun you have had this summer.

Email the blog at! We'll have them up in a jiffy!

Byron, GA Events

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Be a part of Byron's Volunteer Community!  Do you have a special talent?  Looking for a cause to better your town?  Browse our Volunteer Groups and contact information.  We love VOLUNTEER'S!

Please Contact Promotions at and provide your organization's information and let our citizen's be informed!

  • EMAIL:
  • Meeting:   Every Other Thursday 
  • Time:        1:00 PM
  • Place:        Byron Train Depot, Byron, GA
Trying to save the world one ICU Survival Kit at a time.

God has our road paved out if we will just trust him. In 2005 a close friend was hit by an 18 wheeler with what seemed like no chance for survival. I packed my bag and off I went on this journey with his wife, after 8 weeks in ICU waiting rooms in 4 different hospitals. Not knowing from minute to minute what would happen he recovered though the grace of God he is alive and well today. When I returned home a changed person feeling somewhat guilty for the families still there in those hospitals what can I do to help them survive there ordeals. A year later I started the ICU Survival Kit ministry. AS tough as those time were god placed me there for this ministry.